Biblical Theology as a Way of Life (Podcast Appearance)

Biblical Theology as a Way of Life (Podcast Appearance)

 I was recently on the Across the Canon Podcast to discuss my recent book on biblical theology: One Grand Story: How the Bible Tells its Sto...
Biblical Hermeneutics and Gospel Narratives with Jeannine Brown

Biblical Hermeneutics and Gospel Narratives with Jeannine Brown

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Jeannine Brown about her recent work in biblical hermeneutics and New Testament studies. In our discussion,...
One Sure Word & a Testimony of Tears (Sermon on Acts 20:17–38)

One Sure Word & a Testimony of Tears (Sermon on Acts 20:17–38)

Watch here:     Biblical Text: Acts 20:17–38  Sermon Outline:  1. Where are we at in Redemptive History? (2:40) 2. The Witness of Paul'...
Romans: Greek-English Interlinear by Mike Bird

Romans: Greek-English Interlinear by Mike Bird

Michael Bird,  Romans: Greek-English Interlinear   ( Lexham , 2025).  This volume by Bird from Lexham Press is designed to facilitate deeper...
Christ has purchased all that is needed for those who suffer

Christ has purchased all that is needed for those who suffer

Christ is able to afford all that is needed in such a case. By the love and tenderness of his heart, he is disposed to help those that are ...
Diminished Focus sometimes means Diminished Affections

Diminished Focus sometimes means Diminished Affections

Multitasking only makes sense when none of the tasks requires heart-engaged, loving attention. —John Piper, " More on Not Using Twitter...
Enjoying the Trinity in order to Understand the Trinity

Enjoying the Trinity in order to Understand the Trinity

It is rashness to search too far into it. It is piety to believe it. It is life eternal to know it. And we can never have a full comprehensi...
One of the "Mysterious Powers of Poetry"

One of the "Mysterious Powers of Poetry"

Its ability, like words, to be simultaneously general (belonging to us all) and particular (connected to individual experience). —Matthew Za...
The Spacious Life and the Goodness of Limits with Ashley Hales

The Spacious Life and the Goodness of Limits with Ashley Hales

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Ashley Hales about her recent book   A Spacious Life   (IVP, 2021). In our discussion, Ashley shares some o...


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